Sunday, May 16, 2010

Keep Going

This is a poem I wrote last month. I hope you guys like it!

Keep Going

You fall, you cry,
Now you are scared to try.
There's no need to be afraid,
you'll get there some day.

Just keep going,
some day you will be glowing.

Get up n' try again,
Your scar is mark of your strength.
In time, you'll succeed,
and the you will take the lead!

No matter what though,
You still go, go, go!

Be positive n' work hard,
soon success will be your card.
Your journey had its ups and downs,
but some how, some way, success was found.

And then you will see,
"Keep Going" is the key...

...To Achieve

100% by: Suchi

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Fact File:

A cinquain has five lines that describe a thing.

the item you are describing (usually a word, but could be two, like "Golden Retriever"
2 words-can be phrase
3 words-can be phrase
4 words- can be phrase
1 word
By: Suchi
Slam Dunk
Golden State Warriors
Time Out, Foul, Layups


Fact File:

A quatrain is a type of peom that consists of 4 lines. They have to rhyme.

Line one-----------------------rhymes with-line 3
Line two-----------------------rhymes with-line 4
Line three---------------------
Line four-----------------------
Line one: Ryhmes with line 2
Line two
Line three: rhymes with line 4
Line four


My Puppy
By: Suchi

All my pup ever does,
is eat, sleep, poop and play,
But I still love him because,
He is cute and charming in every way.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Fact File:

A haiku is a type of poem that began in Japan nearly a 1,000 yrs ago. It follows a certain pattern, but doesn't have to rhyme. It is usualluy abouot nature and is ALWAYS in present tense.

Line one has 5 syllables
Line two has 7 syllables
Line three has 5 sylables


By: Suchi

Slight breeze rocking grass,
Sun shining brightly on Earth,
Wishing it won't end.

Friday, February 12, 2010


I am soooooooooooo sooooooooo soooooooooo sorry for not posting the answers. I have been very busy lately. I made the swim team have a lot of after school activities. I apologize for not having time to post.

Anyways, here are the answers:

dirty room = dormitory

decimal point = a dot in place

the morse code = here come dots

slot machines = cash lost in 'em

the earthquakes = the queer shake

snooze alarms = alas! no more z's

eleven plus two = twelve plus one

To tell the truth, I did not make these up. I got them from the internet!
